Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 (As Amended) Worcestershire County Council) and the Worcestershire County Council (Various Roads, Upper Moor) (40 mph Speed Limit) Order 2000 (Revocation) and (Various Roads, Upper Moor) (40mph Speed Limit) Order 2024


Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 (As Amended) Worcestershire County Council) and the Worcestershire County Council (Various Roads, Upper Moor) (40 mph Speed Limit) Order 2000 (Revocation) and (Various Roads, Upper Moor) (40mph Speed Limit) Order 2024

On 1 August 2024 Worcestershire County Council made an Order the effect of which will be to update the 40 mph the speed limit on the following lengths of roads in the Parishes of Hill & Moor and Wyre Piddle in the district of Wychavon:

A44 – from its junction with U47231 Evesham Road to a point 125 metres east of its junction with U47205 Cherry Orchard Road.

C2012 Throckmorton Road – from its junction with A44 for a distance of 135 metres in a northerly direction.

U47231 Evesham Road – from its junction with A44 for a distance of 595 metres in a westerly direction.

U47205 Cherry Orchard Road – from its junction with A44 for a distance of 12 metres in a southerly direction.

There are exemptions in the Order for Special Forces Vehicles.

The Order will come into operation on 22 August 2024.

Documents in relation to this Order can be downloaded at the Wychavon Public Notice Page; or copies supplied by emailing; or writing to me at County Hall or may be inspected at County Hall, Spetchley Road, Worcester, WR5 2NP during normal office hours.

Thomas Pollock, Head of Commercial Law, Legal and Governance, County Hall, Spetchley Road, Worcester WR5 2NP

15 August 2024

The Hill & Moor Community defibrillator AED that is positioned on the brick cabinet in the corner of the field close to the Cider Press is now working

The Hill & Moor Community defibrillator AED that is positioned on the brick cabinet in the corner of the field close to the Cider Press.

The defibrillator is now back in service.

To find the next nearest AED please go to



Fladbury to Greenhill – Programme of Work from Severn Trent




The hall committee is in need of new members, prepared to give a few hours of their time as and when we are planning an event (we only meet when we need to!)

Sadly, when we do organise a village event we do not always get the support of the village. We cannot continue to exist unless this situation changes.

It is impossible to do any planning for fundraising (for the hall, church or charity) when we are not sure of who will help on the day or who will attend. Without fundraising the Hall will be effectively bankrupt in approximately three years. Without the help of two Covid related grants from Wychavon it would already be closed. It costs about £7000 to keep the hall open and heated for the few hirings we currently have and our current annual income is only about £3000.

What can you do?

Join the committee and commit to helping & attending fundraisers.

Hire the hall for family celebrations and encourage others to do so.

Think of ways to raise money – Bingo, Quiz, Supper Club, Film Night, Coffee Morning, Jumble Sale? Then agree to sell tickets, turn up and have fun!!


The Family Field Day is already planned for 24 June but cannot go ahead without more people willing to commit – hence the timing of this appeal.

Likewise the Bonfire & Firework night, always a great success (c£2000 raised last year to pay for this year) but unlikely to happen without sufficient people to do it safely.

Please contact me and let’s make sure our lovely Hall survives. 

Thank you, 

Pat Stone (Committee Chairman)          Mobile: 07799 134563

Wychavon District Council – £30,000 fund for Coronation Celebrations to Town and Parish Councils

£30,000 fund for Coronation Celebrations


A £30,000 fund is being made available to town and parish councils to support celebrations to mark the Coronation of King Charles III.


Wychavon will be contacting town and parish councils directly in the next few weeks to tell them how they can access the money, which can be spent on street parties and community events over the Coronation Weekend. 


As well as the dedicated fund, Wychavon is also scrapping fees for road closure notices for anyone holding a street party to celebrate the Coronation. 


His Majesty The King and Her Majesty The Queen Consort will be crowned on Saturday 6 May at Westminster Abbey. The following day the Coronation Big Lunch takes place where neighbours and communities are invited to share food and fun together. On the evening a special Coronation Concert will be broadcast live from Windsor Castle. 


On Monday 8 May, the public are being urged to take part in The Big Help Out by volunteering or joining projects to support their local area. 


Organisations and community projects that have volunteering opportunities available are being urged to register them with Wychavon who will help promote them to the public. 


Cllr Rob Adams, Executive Board Member for Stronger Communities, Culture and Sport on Wychavon District Council, said: “After the success of our Platinum Jubilee Fund last year which gave £15,000 to town and parish councils to support those celebrations, we’ve decided to double the support on offer this time. 


“The Coronation Weekend is a wonderful opportunity for friends, families and communities to spend time together celebrating what will be a wonderful occasion for our nation. I also hope lots of people will take the chance to do some volunteering with some of the many wonderful voluntary and community groups we have here in Wychavon.”


For more information about Coronation events in Wychavon visit

Would you like to be a councillor?

Would you like to be a councillor?

Special sessions are being held for anyone wishing to stand in this year’s local elections.

Elections to Wychavon District Council and parish and town councils across the district take place on 4 May 2023. To stand for election candidates need to be at least 18 years old and be a British citizen or eligible Commonwealth or EU citizen.

They must also meet certain criteria which will be explained at the Wychavon Nomination sessions, or alternatively can be found on the Electoral Commission website:

Applicants do not have to represent a particular political party but can stand as independent. Anyone wanting to stand on behalf of a political party should contact their local office for more information.

The deadline for nominations for this election is 4pm on Tuesday, 4 April 2023.

Wychavon is holding two sessions to guide people through the nomination process, what is required of candidates during the election and key dates. Sessions are being held at the Civic Centre in Queen Elizabeth Drive, Pershore from 5pm to 7pm on Tuesday 21 February and Thursday 23 February. The content will be the same at each session.

To book a place at one of the sessions, or to raise any questions, email

Wychavon’s share of the Council Tax bill could be frozen for the sixth year running if proposals put forward by councillors are accepted.

Council Tax freeze proposed again

Wychavon’s share of the Council Tax bill could be frozen for the sixth year running if proposals put forward by councillors are accepted.

If approved the freeze would mean by March next year, £2.7 million will have been kept in the pockets of Wychavon residents.

Keeping Council Tax on hold is one of a number of proposals put forward at a meeting on Wednesday (1 February) by Wychavon’s Executive Board to support residents and improve the district.

Another £1million was announced for community projects through Wychavon’s Community Legacy Grants scheme, which will open to applications in early 2024.

A pledge was made to continue to work with partners to provide practical advice and support to residents with the cost of living crisis, backed by £50,000 of new funding.

Councillors also proposed £75,000 to recruit a financial inclusion officer as part of Wychavon’s Housing Service to offer direct support to people in financial difficulty.

Parish and town councils will also get £30,000 to support street parties and events to celebrate the coronation of King Charles III.

There were also new environmental commitments made. Wychavon, working with its contractor FCC Environment, will spent £210,000 over the next two years to begin phasing in the use of Hydrotreated Vegetable Oil (HVO) to FCC’s bin collection and street sweeping fleet. HVO can cut carbon emissions by 90% compared to diesel. The move follows a successful trial of the fuel in 2022.

Funding of £70,000 will also be made available to each of Wychavon’s leisure centres to pay for swimming pool covers. Pool covers can cut energy consumption by about 50% helping to cut fuel bills for Wychavon’s leisure centres as well as slash carbon emissions.

All of the proposals will now go to a meeting of Wychavon’s full Council on February 22 for final approval.

Cllr Bradley Thomas, Leader of Wychavon District Council, said: “Wychavon already has the fourth lowest Council Tax charge of any district council in the country. By keeping our part of the bill on hold for a sixth year running we’re keeping money in residents’ pockets so they can spend it on their priorities, like household bills and essentials.


“Even though we’re freezing our part of the bill, as our other spending announcements show, we’re still committed to improving Wychavon by investing in our communities, supporting people when they need us most and protecting our environment.”