Lower Moor Village Hall

Cherry Orchard Road, Lower Moor, Pershore WR10 2PN
Tel: 07799 134563    Reg. Charity No. 201383

Booking Form

    Your contact details:

    [group group-block-bookings-yes]

    Important: We may contact you to take more details on your block booking, please complete the rest of the form below.


    [group group-block-bookings-no]

    Please enter date and time details for your event



    • Hill and Moor Residents - £8.00 per hour

    • Non-Residents - £12.50 per hour

    A refundable deposit of £50 will be required to be held against damages and breakages during the hire period and will be returned after the event.

    Full payment must be received at least 3 working days prior to booking.

    Regular Village Hall Users will be invoiced on a monthly basis by the Treasurer. Payment within 14 days is appreciated.

    [group group-resident-yes]



    [group group-resident-no]



    Important: Licensed Events: The Hall is licensed for singing, dancing, live music, showing of films and staging of plays for up to 100 persons until 11.30pm on Monday to Saturday and 11.00pm on Sunday. For the sale of alcohol or to extend these times a Temporary Events Notice (TEN) is required. Please inform the booking clerk when a TEN is required, allowing a minimum of 28 Days before the event.

    Please note:If the Hall is not used for a booked event, the charge will still be made. Cancellation is required at least 14 days in advance to avoid charges.

    Village Hall users have automatic access to the car park.

    Terms and Conditions for Booking

    [group group-inv-new-details]

    Invoicing details?


    By cheque made payable to Lower Moor Village Hall and sent to

    Mrs P Stone,
    The Hawthorns,
    Back Way,
    Lower Moor,
    WR10 2PG

    Or by BACS to:

    Bank: Lloyds
    Sort code:  30-93-11
    Account number: 01349877

    Lower Moor Playing Field and Recreation Area:

    All bookings for the Playing Field are the responsibility of the Parish Council.

    Please contact:

    Carole Hirst, secretary to the Parish Council at clerk@hillandmoorpc.org.uk